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Campus Resources

Reservations and Campus Policies

The Conference, Reservations, and Event Services (CRES) Office staff can assist you in determining the best location for your meeting or event. Some facilities can better serve the needs of certain types of meetings and special programs. To determine availability, contact the Reservations Office at (704) 687-7872 or visit the website at cres. as early as possible prior to your meeting or event.  All meeting space is free for student organizations to use for organizational meetings and events. Labor rates may apply outside of normal operational hours and/or for technical or event personnel.  If payment will be made using your organization’s student activity fee account, you must obtain pre-authorization from the Student Involvement Financial Associate.

Student organizations should be aware of, and are forbidden to, “front.” “Fronting” is the practice of permitting an individual or organization not affiliated with UNC Charlotte to use University space/facilities and services under the guise that the activity is a University-sponsored event. Non-affiliated individuals and organizations are not eligible for University departmental or student organization rates or scheduling privileges unless they are sponsored by an affiliated group in accordance with Policy Statement 601.6, Scheduling University Facilities, and CRES’s instructions and guidelines

  • Departments and organizations that are determined to be fronting will be charged the maximum applicable rate and/or be subject to the loss of reservation privileges.
  • CRES staff will determine if groups are fronting another organization by considering the nature of the event, previous knowledge of the event, and the nature of attendees.

Reserving space on campus is one of the benefits afforded to registered student organizations. All registered student organizations in good standing with the University are allowed to participate in the spring reservation process to reserve space for recurring reservations and special events for the following academic year.  

The following are terms used when making reservations: 

  • Advanced Reservation Process – a process whereby requests for reservations may be made for the following academic year.  After the conclusion of the process, reservations may be made on a first-come first-served, space available basis. 
  • Ad-Hoc Reservation – individual one-time reservations 
  • Recurring Reservations – any regularly scheduled meeting throughout the academic term or academic year, i.e. every Thursday at 6:00 pm. 
  • Special Event – any event that is outside of the group’s normal business or regular meeting, including social and educational programs

Advanced Reservation Guidelines

Groups that attend informational workshops specifically for the Advanced Reservation Process that takes place each spring will be allowed to make reservations for the following academic year.  Those groups that do not wish to attend the workshop may make reservations anytime after the formal advance process has been completed.

The following advanced reservation guidelines exist for all recognized student groups:

  • Groups with outstanding charges more than two (2) weeks past due will not be permitted to participate in the advanced reservation process until all charges are paid. 
  • After completion of the advanced reservation process there will be at least a one (1) day period for registered student groups to make additional ad-hoc reservations prior to other UNC Charlotte affiliated groups.
  • Use of additional amplified sound during recurring meetings is prohibited, regardless of space/building in which the meeting takes place.
  • Exact dates for the beginning of the advanced reservations process will be sent to each registered student organization and campus departments by the Conference, Reservations, and Event Services (CRES) Office.  

The following is a list of spaces NOT available for recurring reservations: 

  • In the Cone University Center 
    • C.A. McKnight Lecture Hall
    • John Paul Lucas Room 
    • After Hours 
    • All lounges 
  • In the Popp Martin Student Union 
    • Any section of the Multipurpose Room 
    • Norm’s
    • Popp Martin Student Union Movie Theater 
  • In the Barnhardt Student Activity Center (SAC) 
    • No space is available for recurring reservations

The following special event reservation guidelines exist for all recognized student groups: 

1. Each group may reserve the JP Lucas Room, CA McKnight Hall, and/or any sections Union 340 up to two (2) times each semester for special or social events during the advanced reservation process.  

  • After the conclusion of the formal advanced reservation process the Lucas Room, McKnight Hall, and Union 340 may be reserved for recurring meetings one month in advance, if the space is available, no more than one (1) time per week. 
  • Reservations will be accepted no sooner than the last week of the month for the following calendar month. 

2. Requests for special events in Norm’s, the Popp Martin Student Union Movie Theater, Rotunda, After Hours and other areas of the Popp Martin Student Union and Cone Center will be reviewed by CRES on a case-bycase basis. 

3. Requests for special events in the Barnhardt Student Activity Center (SAC) will not be confirmed until the athletic schedule has been confirmed.  

4. Requests for additional special events in the Popp Martin Student Union may be made at the conclusion of the advanced reservation process based on availability. 

For complete reservations policies, please visit

Simple changes made to reservations should be made at least two (2) working days in advance.  This includes any changes to set-up and attendance.  Ten (10) working days are required for changes made to more complex reservations that include any change in or additions to: sound systems, microphones, video projection units, or building manager assistance.  Facilities authorized for use by an organization may not be transferred, assigned, or loaned to another organization without prior approval from the Conference, Reservations, and Event Services (CRES) Office.  Failure to give proper notice of changes may result in the inability to accommodate your requests.

Any cancellation of events must be made at least two (2) working days in advance.  Failure to give proper notice of cancellation will be considered a no show.  If you have a space reserved in the Cone University Center, Student Union or Student Activity Center and do not use the space, your group will be charged with a no show.  Two (2) or more no shows within the same academic year will be grounds for the organization to forfeit the use of the space for the current semester and /or ability to schedule space for the next semester (this includes student organization recurring reservations).  After a second no show, groups will receive a letter indicating the remainder of the group’s reservations have been cancelled and will have to reserve space on a week to week basis.  If you are late for a reservation and leave early you should notify the CRES Office or check with the building manager on duty so the group will not be considered a no show.  If a technician has been scheduled or the building has been opened early for an event that was not cancelled, the group will be charged accordingly.  Charges may also apply to groups who cancel after the two-day period.  

State law prohibits the sale of any alcoholic beverage on the University of North Carolina at Charlotte campus, with limited exceptions.  A “sale” includes practices such as charging admission to events where alcohol is served, requiring the purchase of tickets, or requiring donations or other exchanges in order to receive alcoholic beverages.  University Policy 706, Alcoholic Beverages, governs the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus.

State funds and student fees collected by the University cannot be used to purchase alcoholic beverages.

Common Source Containers are prohibited within any Campus residence building and in all Campus outdoor areas. Common Source Containers are prohibited at events sponsored by student organizations.

BYO Events

1. The only events at which student organizations may have alcoholic beverages are approved “Bring Your Own” (BYO) events. 

2. Unless an exception is granted by the appropriate Vice Chancellor or unit head, Event Marshals must be present during entire BYO Event and will not consume Alcoholic Beverages in connection with the event. 

3. Only those persons who are aged 21 or over will be permitted to carry in or to consume Beer or Unfortified Wine. 

4. Prior to reserving space for a BYO event, a student group is required to have at least one of its current executive officers complete an Alcohol Education Workshop, which is presented by the University.  Faculty and staff advisors to student groups are encouraged to attend these sessions as well. 

5. Additional requirements for BYO events are listed in University Policy 706, Alcoholic Beverages, at legal.charlotte. edu/policies/up-706.


Tailgating is defined as a gathering of Patrons outdoors that typically occurs around a vehicle or in a parking lot or parking deck, which may include consuming food and beverages, including Alcoholic Beverages, at an approved, designated area during approved times before or after official UNC Charlotte intercollegiate athletic events. The rules governing Tailgating, including locations and reservations, dates and times, structures and equipment, noise, traffic, prohibited items, and special rules regarding alcoholic beverages, are set forth in University Policy 718, Tailgating (legal. 

In order to ensure that students, faculty, and staff do have the opportunity to exercise their primary rights, the following guidelines have been established:

1. There is to be no loud and/or amplified sound outside with the exception of the following times: Friday: 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm, Saturday:  8:00 am to 11:00 pm, Sunday: 8:00 am to 11:00 pm. *This restriction applies to both formal and informal events or activities. 

2. Supplemental, loud or amplified sound is not permitted at student organizations’ weekly meetings in any space on campus.  Use of the house sound will be allowed.  This would include rooms with smart podiums that have speakers built into the ceiling or the podium.  Acoustic acts will be permitted as well.  Supplemental equipment such as amplifiers, additional speakers, drum kits, etc. are NOT allowed.  *Special events, with approval from the CRES office, will still be allowed depending on the activities to ensure there are no conflicts with other meetings or events. 

3. When making reservations, student organizations should check if a facility has a separate policy regarding amplified sound. 

4. Amplified sound must be in compliance with the City of Charlotte Noise Ordinance ( CMPD/resources/Ordinances/Pages/Noise%20Ordinances.aspx) as well as any other applicable policies and/or guidelines which have been established for outside functions. 

5. Requests for exceptions must be submitted to the Conference, Reservations, and Event Services (CRES) Office at least ten (10) working days prior to the requested activity.  

6. When enforcing this policy, consideration will be given to the intended use or purpose of the reservable space.  Conflicts in use will be resolved based on primary purpose. 

  • Classroom Buildings – Primary purpose is academic.  Secondary use may not interfere with academic endeavor.
  • Non-Classroom Buildings – Primary purpose is administrative.  Secondary use may not interfere with administrative endeavor. 
  • Public Space – Primary purpose is public movement and assembly.  Secondary use should avoid conflict with any proximate academic and/or administrative purpose. 
  • Student Use or Activity Buildings – Primary purpose is student activity and engagement.  Full consideration should be given to venue-specific usage compatible with existing conditions adjacent to the facility in use. 

7. Activities, programs or events must not unreasonably disrupt official University functions or the orderly operation of the campus.  Groups must be respectful of other facility users.  If asked to lower the sound level by a designated University representative the group must comply in a timely manner.  Failure to do so may result in the cancellation of the remainder of the reservation and closure of the event.  Continuing or repeated violations of the noise policy may result in a cancellation of reservations for the balance of the semester.  While the Conference, Reservations, and Event Services Office will make every effort to place groups in space that is suitable for their event type it will be the responsibility of the reserving group to maintain an appropriate level of volume. 

8. Student Union Rotunda events with amplified sound during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 7:00 AM-5:00 PM) will be limited to two (2) total hours of actual sound (including a sound check).  Drum kits are not allowed in the Rotunda.  Rotunda events must not exceed sound levels of 100 db at any time.  Student Union staff reserves the right to request a reduction in sound level should it exceed 100 db or is disrupting normal function of the building.

In summary, any type of disruption which interferes with the primary rights of students, faculty, and staff  is not allowed.  T his includes noise that occurs outside or inside campus buildings, whether it be an formal or informal activity.

All commercially prepared food must be prepared by UNC Charlotte’s campus food services contractor, Chartwells University Dining Services.  Special low cost menus may be available to student groups.  Arrangements for such meals should be made directly with Chartwells.

Food service orders to be paid by an organization’s student activity fee account must have authorization from the Student Involvement Financial Associate before arrangements are made with Chartwells.  All orders for food service will be sent to the Student Involvement Financial Associate for approval, which will not be granted without obtaining authorization and completing a Food, Beverage, and Amenity Expense Documentation Form and the Catering Authorization Form.  Prepackaged items do not have to be purchased from Chartwells; however, student organizations must consult with the Student Involvement Financial Associate before making purchases for said items.

Student Organizations can also earn catering or gift-in-kind credits by working at a Chartwells’ catered campus event.  For more information, contact the Catering office at (704) 687-0690.

Organizations can review menu choices and make their own food and/or beverage arrangements through Chartwells by visiting their website at and creating their own account or calling (704) 687-0690.  Should your event/program require a specialty or ethnic food item, Chartwells will need to be contacted in order to discuss availability.  Additionally, space reservations must be made through the Conference, Reservations, and Event Services (CRES) Office.

Student organizations holding events off-campus are not required to use Chartwells catering services. Groups may also host “pot luck” events on or off campus, so long as student activities fees monies are NOT used.

Prepackaged items (such as potato chips and pretzels) and brown bag lunches are also permissible.

Student Organizations can complete a Food Service Policy Exemption Request form at aux.charlotte/dining/catering if an outside restaurant will be providing or donating food for their meeting or event.  Signed letterhead from the establishment must must be uploaded to the form.  The food must be a true donation from the establishment/restaurant; a group member cannot purchase the food and then ‘donate’ it to the group. The establishment/restaurant must be able to produce a certificate of insurance and have a recent Board of Health inspection score of 95 or better. Donated food forms must be submitted in 15 days in advance of the event. For complete food service requirements and policies, please consult “University Policy 709, Food Service Policy” at 

T he Office of Disability Services works to ensure that students with disabilities have access to education and campus life at UNC Charlotte. To ensure full participation and access to the benefits of participating, student organizations need to be accessible to all members, participants, and guests. Learn more by visiting the Campus Accessibility website (

An Accessibility Checklist is available to guide you as you plan events, and is also important for advisors and organization officers to help you to be mindful of accessibility for people with disabilities when planning the location of meetings, providing materials, and scheduling events.  For more information, visit the Campus Accessibility website (, and check out Planning Accessible Events ( planning-accessible-events). The Accessibility Checklist is also available at

The Office of Disability Services ( works with student organizations, advisors, and officers to ensure program access. Presentations on disability awareness are offered through the Disability Services Student Advisory Board. For more information on scheduling a presentation, contact Adrienne Bowman at  Presentations and training on accessibility topics are offered by the ADA Project Coordinator.  Please contact Katie Montie at for further information.

If a group member or participant in a program has a disability and needs accommodations, you can request those services online by using the Request Services for an Event form ( on the Campus Accessibility website (, or by calling the Office of Disability Services at 704-687-0040.

For more information about the services, accommodations, and presentations available through Disability Services, we invite you to connect with us at Fretwell 230, by calling (704) 687-0040 or emailing

University Policy 406, The Code of Student Responsibility - Chapter 3, Section III. Student Organizations 

1. Student Organizations may be Accused of a Violation of the Code without regard to whether members of such Organizations are individually Accused of a Violation arising from the same incident(s). 

2. A Student Organization and its officers, leaders, or any identifiable spokespersons may be held collectively or individually responsible when prohibited conduct by those associated with the Organization have received the tacit or overt consent or encouragement of the Organization or of the Organization’s leaders, officers, or spokespersons. 

3. The officers, leaders, or any identifiable spokespersons for a Student Organization may be directed by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Dean of Students Office staff, Student Accountability and Conflict Resolution staff, Fraternity and Sorority Life staff, Student Activities staff, Title IX Office staff, or Police and Public Safety officers or other designated security or law enforcement agents to take appropriate action designed to prevent or end prohibited conduct by the Organization or by any persons associated with the Organization who can reasonably be said to be acting on the Organization’s behalf. Failure to make reasonable efforts to comply with the directive shall be considered a violation of Chapter 5, Paragraph (m) of the Code both by the individual officers, leaders, or spokespersons for the Organization and by the Organization itself. 

4. Organizations may be held accountable collectively if any of the following situations regarding an alleged violation(s) of the Code apply: (a) it was committed by one or more members of the Organization; (b) it was committed by one or more members of the Organization, and Organization funds were used to finance the function; (c) it occurred as a result of an Organization-sponsored function, or (d) it occurred in the context of an Organization-sponsored activity that was advertised via Organization-controlled mediums (e.g., social media). 

5. The president or equivalent officer of a Student Organization shall represent the Organization unless they petition the Director or designee to substitute another Student to represent the Organization.

Hazing is prohibited conduct under the Code of Student Responsibility. Hazing is defined as any activity related to membership in a group or team, including a Student Organization, that may demean, disgrace, or embarrass a person or that risks endangering the mental, physical, or emotional health of a person, regardless of whether such person has agreed to participate in the activity. Hazing includes violation of North Carolina law as established in  NCGS §14-35 .

UNC Charlotte has registered its names, initials, logos, and trademarks as a means of protecting them from unauthorized use and abuse. Federal Trademark laws protect the use of the University’s marks, including on websites or T-shirts. 

Permission to use UNC Charlotte logos and marks (which includes UNC Charlotte logos, Charlotte 49er logos/marks and Niner Nation) may ONLY be obtained by calling the University’s trademark and licensing liaison at (704) 687-7683. (See: If permission is granted, the use of any University-owned mark must be consistent with the limited permission granted, and must conform to the guidelines, graphic standards, and current University licensing contracts. 

For student organizations wishing to use UNC Charlotte marks as co-branding with their organization, it is important to use the marks correctly, in accordance with the University design toolkit, which can be found at https://brand.charlotte. edu/. Please contact University Communications for graphics assistance (704) 687-0293. 

If a student organization receives permission to use any of the University’s registered names, logos or marks, and then makes T-shirts or promotional products with those marks, they must use a licensed vendor. (Auxiliary Services Licensing and Trademark can provide student organizations with a list of licensed vendors.) In addition, student organizations may not sell those T-shirts or promotional products outside of their group membership. Sale of these items on campus, over the Internet or to the general public is prohibited. Certain exceptions (determined by the University’s trademark and licensing liaison) are made for groups promoting specific events logos.

Departments and recognized student clubs and organizations may use certain logos for official business only.

Prior to producing any product, University departments and affiliates (recognized clubs and organizations) are required to submit requests to utilize the University’s registered trademarks to the Office of Trademarks & Licensing (Auxiliary Services Bldg.).