- (704) 687-7581
- campusevents.charlotte.edu
- Submit information via the website to appear in the online campus events calender and UNC Charlotte homepage “Events” tab. If you’re event is submitted to Niner Engage, it will automatically be added to Campus Events.
Popp Martin Student Union lower level, Student Niner Media
- (704) 687-7140
- media.charlotte.edu
- The Niner Times - published weekly during the academic year and updated regularly online at ninertimes.com
- Uptown Audio
- Media Marketing - advertisements, call for current rates
- Submit information in the form of a news release or advertisement. There are charges for advertisements. Contact Student Niner Media for rates or the appropriate reporter.
Foundation Annex
- (704) 687-5822
- ucomm.charlotte.edu
- Press Releases for news media/external audiences
- Niner Insider daily email
- Contact the Office of Public Relations for assistance with news events that are open to the community and/or are of community interest.
The Student Involvement office sends out a weekly electronic newsletter to all student organization officers and advisors. If your student organization would like to advertise an upcoming event, send the event information to studentorgs@charlotte.edu. The deadline to submit contact for the following week’s newsletter is Friday at noon.
Various buildings have general information boards, of which some are open and some are reserved. For reserved boards, groups must ask permission from the appropriate person prior to posting. Most boards will list the contact person for that building. For information and policies regarding posting in and around the Popp Martin Student Union, please visit studentunion.charlotte.edu/marketing.
Banners can be placed in the residence halls, outdoor towers and scaffolding rigs, Colvard Building, the Popp Martin Student Union, and the Cone University Center. You must submit a reservation request for space and/or ask for permission from each individual area. Please do not use glitter on your banner and do not hang banners over windows or block doorways. For information on hanging banners in the Popp Martin Student Union, please visit studentunion. charlotte.edu/marketing. Union Station offers graphic design services, wide format printing, and sign making capabilities
Student organizations may submit a digital slide of an announcement or event to be posted on the Popp Martin Student Union digital screens. See studentorgs.charlotte.edu/resources for posting on the Student Government and Organizations Complex screen. Visit studentunion.charlotte.edu/marketing for information on other digital signage opportunities in the Student Union. For information regarding digital signage in other campus facilities, contact the administration office specific to that building for guidelines and posting processes.
Through your organization’s portal on Niner Engage, you can create, manage, and promote your events and meetings. You can also use the News feature to announce accomplishments, updates, and opportunities available within your org.
Using all types of social media will ensure that you reach as broad of an audience as possible, since some people only have certain types of social media accounts. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are good starting points.
- Email students you know are interested in the event.
- Draft an announcement or advertisement and send the message to your friends, asking them to forward it on.
- Gather text, pictures, and information for the website.
- Get the website up and publicize.
- Post the site’s URL to your student organization registration form.
- If a student organization chooses to build a website, they are responsible for developing and maintaining their own site.
Barnes and Noble at UNC Charlotte
- (704) 687-7050
- charlotte.bncollege.com
- Meet with the managers.
- Ask for permission to post and leave information by the registers.
Popp Martin Student Union, Reservations Office
- (704) 687-0430
- Reserve a space for the sign.
- Buy supplies, design and paint the billboard, or use those available in the Student Organization Resource Center.
- Request Physical Plant to place the billboard or sign outside.
- This may take some time to design and paint, but it can be placed in high traffic areas and grab people’s attention.
Auxiliary Services
- auxiliaryinfo@charlotte.edu
- Submit digital content for review and consideration to auxiliaryinfo@charlotte.edu
- Auxiliary Services will deploy the promotional piece at available dining locations.
- Table tents will no longer be approved as a method of promotion in dining locations; exceptions may be made upon request for University wide events.
Promotional tables are available in the Popp Martin Student Union Lobby and Cone University Center and must reserved in compliance with the general reservation procedures. Tables and chairs can also be reserved as checkout items from Cone University Center to be used outside of Prospector, at Belk Plaza, and at other outdoor areas on campus. Check with the Conference, Reservations, and Events Services (CRES) Office for designated areas on campus. Tables will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, and activities conflicting with University contracts will not be permitted. Amplified sound is not permitted at any tabling location.
Promotional tables may be used for display and distribution of materials to interested persons; however, active solicitation is strictly prohibited as is outlined in the guidelines of University Policy Statement #601.6 and #601.9. For the complete policies visit legal.charlotte.edu/policies/up-601.6 and legal.charlotte.edu/policies/up-601.9.
Chalking is permitted on horizontal, concrete surfaces. Any chalking done outside of this guideline (chalking on BRICKS, BUILDINGS, BENCHES, WALLS or TOPS of WALLS) will subject the organization to referral to the Office of Student Conduct and/or to pay restitution for the cost of removal of the chalk from the prohibited area.
Mail & Package Services is located on the lower level of Prospector Building. Window operations are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Student organizations sending a mass mailing of over 200, non-personal, identical pieces should contact Mail & Package Services for advice on how to properly size, address and set up the mail, plus determine the most cost-effective way to send it. The group may even qualify to use a money-saving, nonprofit bulk mail permit.
For mail sent within campus, simply address the envelope with the recipient’s name and department. Write “campus mail” in the upper right-hand corner and leave in the Student Organizations Resource Center (SORC) outgoing mailbox. For more information: aux.charlotte.edu/mail.
Bulletin boards throughout campus are to be used for hanging notices, bulletins and promotional flyers.
An organization taping up flyers will be subject to charges for the removal of the flyer, repair of the surface if necessary, and may be required to forfeit their use of space in the Cone University Center, Barnhardt Student Activity Center, or Popp Martin Student Union. Materials posted in unapproved locations will be removed and discarded. Please do not write or draw on windows or doors.
If you would like to post flyers around campus, please use only general posting boards or get permission from the person responsible for posting requests in that building.
For information and policies regarding posting in and around the Popp Martin Student Union, please visit https://studentunion.charlotte.edu/marketing-posting .Also, see University Policy 601.9.
Outdoor A-frames and yard signs are permitted on the front (south) and back (north) patios, and designated walkway areas where they do not impede pedestrian traffic. Reservations are available on a first-come, first-served basis through CRES. Materials must be supplied by the reserving organization or individual and must be removed by midnight of the next business day following the event.
Bulletin boards throughout campus are to be used for hanging notices, bulletins and promotional flyers.
An organization taping up flyers will be subject to charges for the removal of the flyer, repair of the surface if necessary, and may be required to forfeit their use of space in the Cone University Center, Barnhardt Student Activity Center, or Popp Martin Student Union. Materials posted in unapproved locations will be removed and discarded. Please do not write or draw on windows or doors.
If you would like to post flyers around campus, please use only general posting boards or get permission from the person responsible for posting requests in that building.
For information and policies regarding posting in and around the Popp Martin Student Union, please visit studentunion.charlotte.edu/services/marketing/posting. Also, see University Policy 601.9.
Bulletin boards and other approved posting locations in the residence halls are not “General Purpose” and are therefore reserved for use by the Department of Housing and Residence Life (see University Policy 601.9 for further clarification). Notices in these locations will be posted by Residence Life staff and removed at approximately two-week intervals or after the conclusion of scheduled events. Unauthorized postings will be removed immediately. Damage to walls or other surfaces resulting from violation of this policy will require that the individual/group responsible pay the costs of repair, and may be subject to criminal penalties under applicable law and/or to disciplinary action pursuant to University policy.
Exterior campus bulletin boards near the residence halls may be used for commercial purposes, information purposes, or for solicitation of charitable contributions. They may be used by any person or group whether affiliated or nonaffiliated with the University. Please consult University Policy 601.9 (Solicitations, Distribution of Materials, Campus Displays) for information on the use of these areas.
All items to be posted in the residence halls must be approved by the Residence Life staff prior to posting. To receive approval, you may use one of two approaches:
1. Visit the individual building(s) in which you wish to post flyers. Meet with the Residence Coordinator (RC) or Graduate Assistant (GA) to obtain approval. If he/she is not available, you may leave the flyers with a note and he/she will process your request upon his/her return. Once approved, Housing staff will post the flyers for you.
2. Visit the main Housing office in Scott Hall, bringing with you the stack of flyers you would like to approved, distribute, and post. The flyers must be counted out and labeled per building (in accordance with the publicity distribution guidelines, which specifies the number of flyers needed per building).
If you wish to discuss other methods of marketing in the residence halls (attending floor or hall council meetings, setting up an info table in the lobby area, etc.), please contact the main Housing office at (704) 687-7501 or via email at HRLMailbox@charlotte.edu.
Student organizations may not disclose or collect information in emails that they are privileged to access because of their position at the University. Those wishing to transmit broadcast email messages containing essential University announcements to students, faculty, and/or staff must obtain approval from the appropriate administrative authority. Within the scope of their authority, only the offices of a Department Chairperson, Director, Dean, Executive Director, Vice Chancellor, or Chancellor may authorize the transmission of broadcast messages to a wide audience of students, faculty, and staff.
Appropriate broadcast e-mail may include, but is not limited to, the following types of announcements:
• Emergency or unforeseen campus-wide events notification (e.g., cancellation of classes or closing of the University due to inclement weather or emergency);
• Important campus deadline notification (e.g., last day of drop/add for students); or
• Improved services to students, faculty, or staff that directly impact all members of the affected group.
By contrast, broadcast e-mail messages should not be used for non-essential matters such as publicizing campus events. Broadcast email messages should be sent only to the affected group (students, faculty, or staff, or a sub-group of one of those groups) and should be of critical importance to that group. For more information on broadcast emails, please review university University Policy 304, Electronic Communication Systems at legal.charlotte. edu/policies/up-304.