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Campus Resources

Travel Grant

The Travel Grant is offered for Student Organizations looking to travel in a way that will benefit the University, increase the effectiveness of their organization, or complete travel that is in within the scope with the applying organization's mission as charged by UNC Charlotte. The Travel Grant Fund shall be used for travel that directly aids student organizations in achieving organizational goals and in representing UNC Charlotte. Registered student organizations can apply for this grant to support their travel (to conferences or competitions) needs. The maximum award is $2,400 per organization per year.  The maximum award for an individual is $200, unless they have proof they are presenting, then the maximum is $500.

Before Applying


  • Travel Occurring  Oct 1 - Dec 31, 2024  Due August 30 at 11:59pm
  • Travel Occurring  Jan 1 - March 31, 2025  Due November 8 at 11:59pm
  • Travel Occurring  April 1 - June 30, 2025  Due February 14 at 11:59pm
  • Travel Occurring  July 1 - September 30, 2025  Due April 4 at 11:59pm

Travel Grant Application

Complete and submit your application on Niner Engage.  Be prepared with all required information and documentation explained above.

2024-25 Travel Grant Application

Travel Grant Evaluation

After you return from your conference or competition, a member of your organization that traveled must complete and submit an evaluation within 20 business days of the return date.  Failure to submit an evaluation form will result in suspended funding. 

Travel Grant Evaluation



View all Funding Options


A full list of the policies for travel grants (Financial Procedures Act) can be found here.  You must fully review this document prior to submitting an event grant application.  Policies for specific items funded through the travel grant are below:

Registration costs are paid for student organizations for conferences, training, or any other type of event that requires registration costs as an entrance.

  • Registration costs may not be funded if the costs include membership fees.

  • Information required at minimum to be considered by the Committee is as follows:

    • Conference itinerary

    • Outline, or printout defining the registration price

    • Contact information of who the registration is to be paid to.

Transportation costs cover things like airfare, vehicle rental, bus and cab fare, and personal vehicles.

  • Airfare may be utilized if the intended destination is more than 200 miles from the departure point. First-class airfare is strictly prohibited. All groups wishing to use airfare must submit quotes or prices from two different airlines or companies, and then the lowest price shall be funded.

  • Personal vehicles will be reimbursed by the Committee at the state rate. In order to be considered for personal vehicle travel the applying organization must submit documentation listing mileage printouts to and from the intended travel, and a list of students utilizing this transportation. The state rate for reimbursement is dynamic and changes at the discretion of the state, groups should contact the Administrative Assistant for the most recent and accurate rate.

  • Charters or contracted travel may be used. Groups must submit documentation of mileage to and from the destination and a list of students who are utilizing such services. Groups must submit quotes from two different companies.

  • Rental cars may be used. Groups must submit quotes or prices from two different rental services and the lowest price shall be funded. Groups must also submit documentation of mileage to and from the destination and a list of students who are utilizing such services. Groups may use any rental car company as long as a quote is provided.

  • Motor Fleet may be used on the contingency of students paying for mile overage. Plans for using Motor Fleet must be coordinated with Ayanna Morrison, Financial Support Specialist for Student Involvement, prior to completing a grant.

Lodging grants cover accommodations that are necessary for the organization to use during their travel.

  • Items that may be purchased are hotels, motels, suites, centers, cabins, or any other contracted overnight stays.

  • Hotels and Motels have in-state and out-of-state rates that may be reimbursed by the state. Student organizations should note that they are traveling on state business when traveling on fees given by the Committee and therefore may ask for the state-rate or out-of-state rate accordingly when making arrangements. The Committee may not allocate more than those aforementioned rates to organizations.

  • In order to be considered for lodging expenses, the organization at minimum is required to submit official documentation from the vendor or company, the students who will be utilizing these services, a list of rooms and persons staying, a valid price quote, and the start and end date of the requested lodging.

Other services can be applied for, if they will be incurred costs during the travel. This includes luggage fees, parking fees, etc. Each item applied for under this line item requires documentation to be considered.

  • Each item applied for under this line item will be approved on a case by case basis by the Committee.

  • Other costs include cab fare, tolls, and commuter buses. These may be applied for as reimbursable expenses under Transportation.